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Parade Marshall - 2024 Summerside Lobster Carnival

Parade Marshall Named for 2024 Summerside Lobster Carnival
Posted on 06/27/2024

SUMMERSIDE, PE - The Marshall for the 2024 Callbecks Home Hardware and Leon’s Summerside Lobster Carnival Parade has been announced. Event organizers are proud to select the staff of the Prince County Hospital as the Marshall for the 68th Summerside Lobster Carnival taking place from July 11 - 13. The City of Summerside is excited to feature and celebrate the essential role the Prince County Hospital and its staff provide for health care to residents of Prince County and area.

 The Prince County Hospital was first established in 1912, in what is now the historic district of Summerside, before moving to a much larger facility on Beattie Avenue in 1951. The current building was opened in 2004.

 Over 600 staff work in the various hospital departments, each of which play an important role in the delivery of top-quality care to Islanders. Many of those staff work behind the scenes and are not encountered on a daily visit but work tirelessly to make a day in the life of the hospital run smoothly. That staff of over 600 live in our Island communities and contribute greatly to the economy, giving Islanders a sense of security when it comes to medical needs. These are the true unsung heroes of our communities.

 “I am thrilled that the dedicated staff of Prince County Hospital will serve as the Parade Marshall for the 2024 Lobster Carnival Parade. Their unwavering commitment and hard work, especially through challenging times, make them the perfect choice to lead this cherished event. We celebrate and honor their contributions to our health and well-being." – Mayor Dan Kutcher.

 Finally, lobster is the hero of the Summerside Lobster Carnival for its role in the Island economy and way of life, but the City and surrounding areas have so many people who quietly give back in many capacities.

 The Lobster Carnival organizers would like to see those key contributors in the parade along with the Prince County Hospital staff. The invitation is extended to businesses and organizations to make these unsung heroes a part of their parade entries.


The City of Summerside is located in Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada with the mindset of promoting and advancing its small city with big opportunities. Summerside offers a diverse market and skilled workforce and is a leader in sectors such as green energy, sport tourism and rapid economic growth. To learn more, please visit or connect through Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.

For more information or media inquires:

Communications & Public Relations
City of Summerside
[email protected]